Top Remodeling Ideas for Small Kitchens

22 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog


As homeowners, it's essential to make the most out of every inch of your home, specifically in small spaces like the kitchen. Whether you're dealing with a tiny kitchen or looking to create a more functional and inviting space, there are various remodeling ideas that you can consider. If you're looking for inspiration, this blog post will discuss the top remodeling ideas for small kitchens that will help you create a beautiful and practical space. 

Add More Storage Space

Storage is always a concern in small kitchens, but there are ways to create additional space without investing in a complete overhaul. One of the best ways to add more storage space is by installing cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling. Alternatively, open shelving can be a perfect solution to give your kitchen an open feel while providing a place to display your gourmet cookware, dishes, and glassware.

Another solution is to incorporate pull-out baskets, wall racks, or sliding drawers to help maximize space in base units. Additionally, opt for adjustable or pull-out shelving to make it easier to arrange things neatly in your kitchen cabinets.

Use Light Colors

Kitchens often feel smaller when they have dark colors because they tend to absorb light, making it feel more cramped. To create a brighter, more spacious-looking kitchen, use lighter colors such as white, ivory, or soft pastel shades. On the other hand, appliance shopping for lighter-colored appliances can also provide a fresh look and allows your countertops to shine.

If you still want to include some darker accents, use them as accents, such as dark hardware or lighting fixtures.

Replace or Remove Upper Cabinets

While wall-mounted cabinets provide necessary storage space, they can take away from the openness of your kitchen. In some cases, it may be preferable to replace the upper cabinets with open shelving or to remove them entirely. Open shelves provide the same storage space while maintaining an open, airy feel. For cooks with fewer items, removing the upper cabinets and keeping only the lower cabinets can help make smaller kitchens feel spacious and roomy.

Maximize Counter Space

Table space in small kitchens is often limited, so any additional space can be a considerable asset in your kitchen layout. Consider installing an extended countertop to create a more spacious food prep area,  or as another solution, install a small island or work table. Alternatively, removable cutting boards that can be stored under the counter can be a useful addition to any small kitchen.


Well-placed and proper light can significantly improve how a small kitchen looks and feels. Recessed lighting offers an excellent solution for small kitchens, preventing a cramped and cluttered appearance. A couple of pendant lights over the island or the dining table can warm up the ambiance and define these specific areas, helping to create a focal point in your kitchen area. Adding under-cabinet lighting can give you adequate workspace illumination and can make your countertops more inviting.

Reach out to a local kitchen remodeling service to learn more.